A Tribute To The Front-Liners

Tribute to front-liners

Tribute to front-liners

They are on the front lines of the battle against coronavirus

They put their lives on the line to protect us

No they don’t wear superhero capes

But they will do whatever it takes.


These front-liners are like brave soldiers in a war

They work so that we can stay safe within our house’s walls

They may feel overwhelmed as the pandemic spreads

Rendering their services in situations most of us dread.


With health services buckling under the pandemic

Exhausted health-care workers are stretched to their limits

Working on backbreaking overdrive in this trying times

Forgoing much-needed rest and their favourite pastimes.


We have the privilege to self-quarantine and isolate

The front-liners don’t have this privilege until it is too late

With flattening the curve as a rallying cry

The importance of social distancing and personal hygiene we definitely must not decry.


All their efforts have not gone down the drain

Their sacrifices have not been in vain

We are witnessing an immense outpouring of tributes

As people the world over express their gratitude.


Applause is ringing out in many lock-down cities

From windows and balconies

Social media is flooded with messages of support

Helping to build community solidarity and rapport.


This is my personal tribute to all the front-liners

Whether you are health workers policemen soldiers cleaning staff grocery staff or carers

I am inspired by your resolve to perform duty without fear

Even though the stress and fatigue must have been hard to bear.


We are safe because of your sacrifice

No words of thanks will suffice

I pray that you will receive the recognition you deserve

Giving you strength to continue to serve.


To all of you I can only say bravo

A tremendous debt of gratitude is owed to you all

A big thank you for going the extra mile

So that we can stay at home with a peace of mind and a thankful smile.


I feel like clapping shouting singing and banging pots

In a unrestrained gesture of support

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

May you be richly blessed on your part.


A former child prodigy who mastered the piano, keyboard and electone by the time he was four, Brian Yim has been making a name for himself not only as a singer-songwriter, but also as an entrepreneur through his fashion retail business. He recently released a song, I Give the Best of Me, in which he not only pays tribute to those on the frontline helping patients stricken by the Covid-19 virus but also reaches out to victims and their families. I Give the Best of Me is a spiritually uplifting song, in which Brian Yim duets with vocal powerhouse Ning Baizura.

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