Ice Kacang

Ice Kacang

Ice Kacang

In our scorching hot weather,

Nothing tastes better,

Than a cool ice kacang,

The dessert with its irresistible charm.


The thirst -quenching concoction,

Favourite dessert of our nation,

ABC it’s fondly called,

Ais batu campur it is known to all.


A mixture of red beans, cendol, grass jelly and sweet corns,

A mountain of shaved ice drizzled with gula melaka or gula apong,

A final topping of evaporated milk or coconut milk,

A flavour smooth as silk.


Wickedly refreshing and tantalising,

Invigorating and revitalising,

When we think about quenching our thirst,

ABC will pop into our minds first.




  1. Hi, I like your Ice Kachang poem. I am using it for a lesson to share on local delicacies with students from China. I am using stanza 1 and 3 only. Is it okay? I am not sure how to cite you as the main creator of the poem. Thanks in advance