The Power Of One

The power of one

The power of one

I am only one,

But still I am one,

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something,

I will not refuse to do the something that I can do,

That is the power of one Helen Keller alluded to.


One voice in a silent world can sound so loud,

One kind gesture can remove all doubts,

One smile can melt a million hearts,

One brave act can inspire human guts,

One leader can change a nation,

One idea can fire the world’s imagination.


One person can change the world,

Nothing can stop a passion-filled man cold,

Limit not your vision,

Compromise not on your mission,

Believe in your potential for greatness,

Your resolve is your harness.


You can be a change catalyst,

In ways you expect least,

You hold the key,

To make a better world for all to see,

Believe for once,

In the power of one.



  1. Hehehe… hear ye, hear ye…

  2. So uplifting. Thank you!